A: ReaLine® training is designed specifically to correct faulty movement patterns in order to improve overall performance, resolve or ameliorate current problems and prevent future injuries or chronic pain. This is accomplished by aligning specific joints required for optimal movement. This is not a “get fit” or “get a perfect body” program. Once the body has learned to move correctly, the benefits are lifelong.
A: ReAline training uses a framework called the “ReaLine® Concept,” which focuses on joint alignment and motor control. ReAline instructors guide clients through the process of re-educating the body using specially designed, innovative training devices to achieve proper alignment and activate key muscles.
A: Strengthening your weak areas can certainly help you become more resilient in the short term. Considering the larger picture, however, unless you pay attention to how you are using your body in terms of movement, you are likely to encounter the same problems over and over again.
A: Athletes at any level are often prone to a variety of overuse injuries and other problems. Even Olympic level athletes encounter issues with their bodies all the time. Whether we are dealing with basic movement patterns or advanced, detailed adjustments, this training can help meet those challenges.
A: Yes, as long as you have clearance from your doctor or physiotherapist. If the pain is coming from a chronic condition, alignment training will likely help to alleviate it.
The training will be done with particular care to not put any unnecessary load or strain on the site of pain, and can often reduce the cause of the pain.
A: Do you sit for more than a couple of hours a day? Do you have a desk job? Do you drive to go places? Do you sometimes cross your legs when sitting? If so, the detrimental effects of sitting alone are likely affecting your movement patterns. These effects can be even worse if you also engage in activities that involve repetitive motion, such as running, cycling, tennis or golf.
Do you have a past injury that you haven’t dealt with properly? If that rings a bell, it might be affecting your whole body by now.
If you experience any type of recurring pain, it could well be related to faulty movement patterns that you have developed at some point over your lifetime.
A: Even if you have had no problems so far, the consequences of incorrect alignment habits can be cumulative and show up over time. This process can be accelerated if you increase your activity level in terms of load, intensity and/or frequency, as this will likely increase the strain on certain joints and muscles that are prone to “wear and tear”. Alignment training is a way to keep tabs on your joint alignment so that you can move forward with confidence, knowing that you are headed in the right direction.
A: That will depend on where you and your body are "at" in terms of needs, goals, availability and budget. Ideally I recommend that clients come in a couple of times a week at the very beginning, reduce to once a week when you become comfortable with the flow of the session, and later every couple of weeks or so until the correct alignment habits have become "second nature". After that, clients are encouraged to come in occasionally for a "check and tune-up."
A: This varies with each individual and with the severity of your condition. It will depend on your starting point and your goals. It also depends on how much you are “in-tune” with your own body. For example, people with a background in athletics or other body-centered pursuits often progress more quickly, as they tend to have better body-awareness and sense of movement. Some problems can resolve in a few sessions or a few weeks or months, while serious, deep-seated issues that have developed over many decades may require more gradual, gentle care and attention.
Although ReaLine® training will often resolve the underlying cause of the problem more quickly than other methods, rapid progress is not necessarily the main objective. This training is more about ensuring that the correct movement patterns are ingrained in the body and brain, so that they become "second nature" and stay with you for life.
A: Even after one session, you will likely have a sense of a brighter future for you and your body. Your posture, balance and ability to load and shift your weight safely will improve with every session. You will gain confidence in doing things the right way.
Above all, you will feel just GREAT!
Life is long, choose wisely…