Realign First offers private sessions using a unique approach combining "ReaLine® Training" with foundational principles to restore optimal joint function so that you can get your active life back, pain-free.
We care about the future of your body as much as the present.
We focus on what we can change and control
We want to enjoy life, so we try to make it as enjoyable as possible.
We try to find a way to keep it positive.
Muscles can come and go throughout life, but joints wear out throughout life.
Movement habits that are hurting you must be unlearned, and replaced by better movement patterns.
Newly learned movement patterns can become habits with practice.
Patience is key to most successful outcomes.
Understanding the intention matters more than mastering exercise form.
We work together to investigate and solve problems.
We take responsibility for our own actions.
Gift cards available from $30~
Now, YOU can own your ReaLine® CORE device
The ReaLine® socks are available to purchase online.
In a nutshell, the goals of ReaLine® training are:
"The missing piece"
ReaLine® training grew out of the concept that moving with correct joint alignment is a basic and essential factor underlying all healthy body movement, from ordinary daily tasks and recreational activities to professional-level sports. The training has gained popularity in Japan over the past several years, with clients ranging from Olympic athletes to elderly seniors. Clients often report that ReaLine® was the "missing piece" that enabled them to reach their full performance or mobility potential.
Think about a motor vehicle. Even if you buy the best engine and body parts, you still need a mechanic to build and fine-tune the vehicle for it to be fully functional and operate at its best potential. Similarly, our body alignment as we move is the framework within which all our different muscles perform their respective roles. Incorrect alignment habits affect the body's performance level and injury risk in athletic pursuits, exercise and daily life activities. Moving with incorrect alignment also tends to place unnecessary stress on important joints, causing cumulative wear and tear that can eventually lead to pain and mobility issues later in life.
"Fine Tuning "
We use very unique equipment from Japan to re-align major joints for optimal movement.
Personalized training with certified ReaLine® Instructor Naomi Eguchi is available in Vancouver, BC. Book a trial session to see if this is right for you--it may be the greatest gift you will ever give yourself and your body.

Assessing and correcting alignment habits at any stage of one's life can help prevent, resolve or at least partially alleviate most common joint and muscle problems.
Read more about Naomi here.