ReaLine® Devices

ReaLine® CORE

The revolutionary device for:

  • Lower & upper back issues.
  • Hip-related issues (tight or loose)
  • Restoring functioning of the spine
  • Gain controlled mobility and stability of the lumbopelvic/ thoracic region
  • Overhead and rotational sports
  • Feeling great.

Come experience it for yourself, you will be amazed.

ReaLine® BalanceShoes

Whole body movements begin with lower body stability.

balance shoes training

ReaLine® Balance Shoes are designed to train the muscles related to the proper joint movement of the knee and the ankle.  The aim is to increase stability of those joints during movement.  The ReaLine® Balance shoes help to re-educate the brain to create new and correct neuro-muscular connections. 

They are used as exercise equipment for recovery and prevention of knee and ankle related injuries as well as making the joints move in a more efficient manner for better athletic performance. 


BLUE is for KNEE alignment, RED is for ANKLE alignment

for KNEE joint alignment
for KNEE joint alignment
for ANKLE joint alignment
for ANKLE joint alignment

Common issues related to Knee Joint alignment include:

  • Knee pain/injuries
  • Hip pain/injuries
  • Low back pain
  • Tight muscles in the Glutes, Hamstrings, Hip Flexors, and Calf
  • many types of sports injuries

Common issues related to Ankle Joint alignment include:

  • Flat feet
  • Foot pain/injuries
  • Ankle sprains
  • Tight Calfs
  •  Unstable feet/ ankles
  • Achilles pain
  • Plantar Fasciitis


ReaLine® LegPress

Knee alignment correction

ReaLine® Leg Press is a unique device invented for the purpose of correcting the outward rotation of the Tibia, known to be the origin of many alignment issues throughout the body.

Working with this device will activate the muscles responsible for straightening the knee, thus restoring proper knee mechanics to minimize the risk of potential alignment related injuries and pain throughout the body.

This device can also be used for individuals with mild to moderate knee osteoarthritis (OA) to ameliorate the pain by improving knee mechanics.

Do you live in the area?

If you happen to live in the lower mainland, you have the opportunity to experience ReaLine® training and see for yourself if it is YOUR missing piece.

Click here to check out what's included in the Introductory Offer 

Are you a professional working with clients?

Come on board to get the latest news and priority spots for the upcoming ReaLine® courses.   Things move very rapidly in this industry. Leave your name and Email Address to receive updates.

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Come visit Realign First !

I invite you to come visit Realign First to try out any ReaLine® Devices of your choice.  A perfect opportunity to get all your answers for how ReaLine® can benefit your practice. 

(*This is an exclusive offer for professionals only)